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 Waste Removal


24 Natiowide FM is a provider of Waste Removal Services. We operate across the Northwest, Yorkshire and Midlands. We believe in excellence in customer service, the whole customer experience , the resources behind the scenes that make us a trusted, innovative partner.

Nationwide FM works with customers across the UK to provide commercial waste removal and management services. We offer a full range of containers to suit your waste production and your available space, ranging from skips and larger containers to wheelie bins. As a leading FM service provider, we have vast experience in providing waste management services as part of an integrated facilities management solution.

We are proud of the reliable and prompt waste removal service we offer customers across the UK. With Nationwide FM you can be sure your waste will be taken care of legally, and in an environmentally friendly way, with minimal disruption to your business.

We provide full waste removal and management services, from general and domestic waste, to food waste, to clinical waste.

Confidential Waste Removal

Nationwide FM has vast experience in the secure destruction of confidential documents. In a world where, unfortunately, data fraud is on the increase, it is vital that all organisations have effective waste removal and management services in place to protect themselves by ensuring safe and secure disposal of documents.

We operate a Confidential Waste Removal Service for customers throughout the UK which ensures that your documents and information are securely destroyed right on your doorstep, using our on-site destruction service. Our expert team will work with you to make sure we provide you with the right waste disposal management services to suit your requirements. We understand that whatever your business size, you will need a cost effective service delivered by our professional facilities management team.

Waste Management

We can arrange for one of our mobile shredding vehicles to visit your location at an agreed time to shred your documents on an occasional basis, or scheduled on a daily, weekly or fortnightly basis.


Our Shredding vehicles

One of our specially designed secure shredding vehicles, fitted with a state of the art Kobra Cyclone high volume industrial shredder, will arrive at your premises at a pre-arranged, convenient time. Our uniformed security vetted staff will sign for and collect your documents, carry them to the vehicle and securely destroy them right there and then. You or your representatives also have the option of witnessing the destruction for even greater peace of mind. We’re proud of the excellent training all our staff have undertaken to ensure we give you the very best commercial waste collection.


Once your documents have been destroyed we will provide you with a certificate of destruction for you to keep in your records as proof of your compliance with the DPA (Data Protection Act).


Removal of shredded waste

We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously. All shredded waste removed by Oltec fm is taken to ISO 14001 approved eco-friendly recycling plants, with the guarantee that none of your important information is left un-shredded. We are always aware of the need to reduce our environmental impact as far as possible and reducing our carbon emissions is always a major consideration.

Find out more about how our waste management can support your business

Our experts are always on hand to deal with your request

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